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  • Writer's pictureAleise Preslar

A Quick Weekend Getaway

As I write this entry, I am perched upon a rather large rock on a calm riverbank in rural, mountainous Alleghany County (population 11,000). My apartment is no palace, but it is arranged and decorated just how I like it. However, when I moved in, I did not expect to have to spend most of my days inside. (Thanks, COVID.) While it is relatively quiet and I was fortunate enough to procure a unit that does not face a sidewalk, it is still a less than 700 square foot space with little view and rarely any natural light. During this time of seemingly never-ending solitude, any opportunity to get out and travel somewhere is greatly appreciated. So, when my mom called and asked if I wanted to go with her and her friend to a cabin in the middle of nowhere, I think I said “yes!” before she could even finish the sentence. You see, I have been here before and it is the most serene location.

Not a neighbor in sight. When I step out onto the porch, the only sounds I hear are the quiet rushing of the river below, the chirping of local insects, and the occasional lowing of

cows on the opposite ridge. What porch is complete without a table for outside dining, several rocking chairs, and a porch swing? Personally, I tend to choose the swing. Since it is mid-October and our elevation is about 2500 feet, the leaves are beginning to change and fall off the trees. I keep getting distracted by watching the calm motion of leaves of every shape, size, and color floating down the river.

Yesterday, we decided to take the long way to Boone and enjoy the beauty of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Unfortunately, everybody else had the same idea. You couldn’t stop at an overlook without having to look around for a parking space. However, the views were not diminished by the quantity of people milling about. Since it was a clear day, we could see Pilot Mountain, about 50 miles away. This just goes to show how popular the mountains are after Labor Day, but especially in October. Going in to Boone wasn’t much better. King Street, the more touristy part of the city, was impossible to access by car. But, I was determined to visit Benchmark Provisions to buy some wine, Espresso News for my favorite mocha with Irish cream, and Mellow Mushroom for some pizza. We had planned on doing more, but the day got away from us, and before we knew it, it was time to start the one and half hour drive back to the cabin. Those winding back-country mountain roads can be worrisome at night for someone who isn’t used to them.

Since there isn't any access to WiFi, it made me accomplish some of my offline goals. I finished two books in the Mure Series by Jenny Colgan (bringing me two books closer to meeting my 40 book goal this year), wrote this blog post, and completed an assignment for my Travel Writing class. Many people like getaways that have adventure, but, sometimes, it is nice to

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